What crafty projects have you had up your sleeve? Sometimes its funny wor.
Vintage living in a modern cottage. Sit and visit a spell. Tuesday, May 12, 2015. Remnants of the Past 2015. Only you know what is in your. Heart The failed dreams and. The dreams we abandoned to live. Of our souls we have smothered. Of a roof over our heads, food on the table,. And a bit of leisure. Of us lucky enough to reach middle-age.
Omaha, nebraska, United States. Just a girl that wants to do everything but has time for nothing - on a passionate mission to do good in the world. Cheers to more smooches! Olive robot hat via the fuzzy robot.
Thursday, May 15, 2014. I bought my first set of envelope templates from Paper Source about six years ago, and I love them so much that I have given them to almost everyone I know. They are a really affordable and useful gift for anyone that enjoys letter writing or paper crafting.
Sunday, May 5, 2013. Thursday, October 4, 2012. Wednesday, June 27, 2012. What started as a single flame at the top of the ridge consumed the entire hillside within 10 minutes. Later my dad called and said that the flames had jumped across the scar, further down the mountain.
Lørdag, mai 16, 2015. Det er ikke så mye energi i kroppen for tiden, men jeg fyller tiden med å sanke inspirasjon på Pinterest. Det er så utrolig mye flott! Timene med surfing har ført til en intens kribling i fingrene, og i dag måtte jeg bare prøve meg. Det begynte som et vintagekort i jordfarger og endte opp med mye av de samme elementene, men i spreke farger. Jeg liker å bruke sort som kontrastfarge - det gir et ekstra kick til uttrykket.
Mirror, mirror on the wall. About fashion and much more. Easy DIY ideas for home. Great idea to cope with the cold winter and resist until spring.